Thank you, Will! You made $274.75 in tax-deductible donations on GlobalGiving in 2015 and helped make the world a better place.

Last year you generously supported these and other projects:

Support APOPO's rats in their life-saving missions
a project by APOPO vzw
Tanzania, United Republic of    Health
APOPO is a Belgian NGO that has developed an innovative system deploying African giant pouched rats (nicknamed HeroRATs) to detect landmines or tuberc...
Make Motherhood Safe for Tanzanian Women
a project by Kupona Foundation
Tanzania, United Republic of    Health
Help to build, equip, and operate a new maternity hospital in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the wor...
Rescue Maasai Girls from Female Genital Mutilation
a project by Global Roots
Kenya    Children
We are raising funds to cover the boarding school costs for 72 Maasai girls who ran away from home to avoid Female Genital Mutilation and early marria...
Young Girls Fight Against Early & Forced Marriage
a project by Feminist Approach to Technology Society
India    Women and Girls
This project will help adolescent girls from socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society to use technology both as a tool and as a med...
Afghanistan Earthquake Relief and Recovery Fund
a project by GlobalGiving
Afghanistan    Disaster Recovery
On October 26, a powerful 7.5M earthquake caused significant damage in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Survivors need access to emergency supplies like food...

You can  view your complete, detailed donation history for 2015 at any time.

Your generosity helped us break records again in 2015; our community raised more than $41 million for earth-changing projects across the globe. If you haven't had the chance yet, check out our Year In Review for 15 of 2015's most inspiring stories!

With gratitude,
The GlobalGiving Team

P.S. Like everyone at GlobalGiving, our accountants are thankful for your generosity and wanted to remind you that gifts to GlobalGiving represent irrevocable donations, are non-refundable, and do not pay dividends or interest income. GlobalGiving has provided no goods or services in consideration of your gifts, , but you do have our deepest heartfelt gratitude. Thankfully, this is priceless and you don't have to note it on your tax return.
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